September 2018: 3 days of Labor, 1 Foley Bulb Induction, 1 Caesarean Section, 2 Swollen Feet & Ankles, 2 Pulmonary Embolisms, 2 ER Visits, 6 Day Hospital Stay, and most importantly... 1 Beautiful Baby Girl!
Hopefully, you have read Part 1! If so, thanks for continuing on...
After three and half days of labor and a total of five days in the hospital, I was at home with my baby girl! I also had two very swollen legs and feet and zero energy. On day number two of being home, I caught an Instastory video of an entrepreneur who was having complications with post-partum preeclampsia. She urged everyone watching to take care of themselves and for this in post-partum to check their blood pressure and pay attention to themselves. I began to periodically check my blood pressure after viewing that message.
One afternoon, I was extremely tired and just not right. I checked my blood pressure and it was about 176/110. At my mother's strong suggestion I got myself together and we were headed to Urgent Care which was about 5 minutes away. We approached a big intersection and my mother asked me if I could take a deep breath. I tried and failed. It felt like the air was stuck right in my throat. Instead of taking a right, we took a left and went straight to the Emergency Room.
After multiple tests, I was diagnosed with pulmonary embolisms (two blood clots in my right lung) and post-partum preeclampsia. I was admitted and would remain in the hospital for six days. The swelling in my feet and legs would eventually decrease by about 90% and I was prescribed blood thinners. Basically, I was in the hospital so that I could be monitored and to ensure that the blood thinners were working. I was away from my new baby the entire time but was determined to pump so that she would have breastmilk.
After six days, I got clearance to go home contingent upon a medicine that I was required to give myself a shot of for five days. (Giving myself a shot my sound a little daunting but after labor pains and being stuck for IVs and blood tests as many times as I had, the shot was a piece of cake.)
I would return to the hospital in few days with chest pains. I DID NOT want to go. However, the chest pains were something I could not treat lightly considering the blood clots in my lungs. The same tests that were ran on my last ER visit were repeated and the cause of the chest pains was inconclusive. BUT there was some good news. The blood clots were no longer visible and had dissolved. I was released after a few hours and began feeling better with each new day.
Prior to everything that happened in September, I had been praying for the things that most expectant mothers would: a healthy, happy baby and a quick, safe, successful delivery. About a week before I went into labor, I remember praying and then hearing the word "strength". I needed to pray for strength during my labor and delivery. That prayer was surely answered and I although I had moments of fear, I knew that it was not God's plan for me to NOT make it through. Now, I am more determined than ever to ensure that my mom hat is put on first and to reach for more purpose in my business.
Thank you for reading about my experience! Please feel free to share this post nd let a mom or mom to be know that it is ok to take a break and take time for self-care.
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